RRB Ahmedabad NTPC (CEN. No. 01/2019) Important Notification 2019 - OjasAlert -->

RRB Ahmedabad NTPC (CEN. No. 01/2019) Important Notification 2019

RRB Ahmedabad NTPC (CEN. NO. 01/2019) Important Notification 2019, Check below for more details.

Normally, an employer is not permitted to withhold the wages or any part thereof, except as permitted or required by law. Employers are required by law to deduct from wages, commonly termed "withhold", income taxes, social contributions and for other purposes, which are then paid directly to tax authorities, social security authority, etc.

, on behalf of the employee. Garnishment is a court ordered withholding from wages to pay a debt.Wages and salaries are typically paid directly to an employee in the form of cash or in a cash equivalent, such as by cheque or by direct deposit into the employee's bank account or an account directed by the employee. Alternatively, all or a part may be paid in various other ways, such as payment in kind in the form of goods or services provided to the employee,such as food and board.For tax purposes, wages and salaries normally do not include other non-cash benefits received by an employee, such as flights, payment of school fees etc. These are usually referred to as fringe benefits

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